Mainova WebHouse’s Vision for Waste Heat Reutilisation

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Mainova WebHouse CEO, Oliver Schiebel and Construction Director, Juan Bono, discuss the community impact of waste heat reutilisation

Mainova WebHouse is a data centre provider which mainly focuses on the Frankfurt area, in Germany. It is one of the ten largest in Germany, with the intention to become more sustainable. It does this by tailoring data centres to the Frankfurt market and developing a toolbox of sustainability measures. The company is willing to indulge in sustainability initiatives and believes in giving back to the community.

Mainova WebHouse CEO Oliver Schiebel’s responsibility is to lead his team, to set out strategies and execute against the global strategy of Mainova WebHouse, which is becoming the most sustainable data centre provider in Frankfurt.

“It's a growing industry, it's also something friends and family can relate to. Everybody uses cell phones and uses video streaming,” Oliver says. “Everybody uses the services that are provided by the digital infrastructure and provided by the digital economy.” 

Meanwhile, Juan Bono is the Construction Director for Mainova WebHouse, where he’s responsible for delivering all of the company’s data centre developments safely, on time, to budget and to the right specifications and quality.
Here, they tell us about data centre waste heat reutilisation and how it is making Frankfurt more sustainable. 

Read the full report HERE


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