Schneider Electric educates partners on carbon emission

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Schneider Electric’s Global Head of Sustainability for business ecosystem, shares initiatives to reduce emissions

There need not be disparity between small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) and the multinational companies (MNCs) that seemingly tower above them in the race to sustainability. In fact, businesses are linked more than they realise, which is why the world is entering a more collaborative state whereby businesses become partners and goals are unified. 

This is particularly so in the case of supplier and customer interactions as relationships between the two help them both to build resilience and reduce their overall impact in line with all Scope emissions. 

There are two factors to this. Firstly, there’s the understanding of necessity and the opportunities presented to businesses when they take climate change on board as a key component of business. The second is tangible, measurable and replicable actions and, these days, technology is at the heart of achieving new outcomes with lasting impacts. 

Enabling these kinds of actions to take place is not simply done by chance and Sorouch Kheradmand, Global Head of Sustainability for business ecosystem at Schneider Electric, tells us how the multinational energy management and digital automation businesses is able to positively impact supplier and customer perception to bring them on board with a sustainable way of thinking. 


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